Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Well, it is official. My wonderful husband is heading out again to war. We found out for sure at lunch time today. It has been talked about in hushed tones for over two weeks and now we know. We just told our kids and they took it beautifully! It must be because my wonderful husband has a way with people and such a positive effect on them. AND, because I have such wonderful kids. "Thing 1" talked about how old he is...13 and did we know how old he was. He keeps trying to point out how old we are :) What a great kid!!!! "Thing 2," said that God would protect Dad like He had in Iraq, what an awesome faith. "Thing 3," wanted to sing us a song she had just made up. Their reactions were covered with much prayer! So it was definitely a God thing! My kids are not new to deployments. They are used to quick meals, and me driving them everywhere. BUT please keep them, and my wonderful husband in your prayers. So when is this to take 2 to 3 weeks. We will know more soon.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Let's Get it Started
I FINISHED!!!!!!!! Yes, I did it! I finished my FIRST marathon. I say first because I have decided that it is my new addiction. I loved it! Every minute of it! I started the day pretty early, I woke up at 2 and just couldn't go back to sleep. I tried to not toss and turn so my wonderful husband could get some sleep since he was going to have the kids and he needed all the sleep he could get. Anyhow, I made myself stay in bed until 4. Then I got up and crept back to the bathroom and started the chore of getting dressed and rechecking my gear, for the fifth time. My family all woke up to say goodbye to me and to wish me luck. I believe I left the room about 5, I can't really remember the exact time I was just so excited, and nervous, and I had this overwhelming sensation that I was going to be sick! I took the elevator down to the lobby to catch one of the shuttles the hotel was running to start of the marathon (all for the additional price of $10 for 2 miles). I talked with the two men that shared the shuttle with me. One of the guys and I ended up walking around with to pass the time. I ended up ditching him, not because I was trying to be rude, but because I needed to make a port-a potty trip and didn't want him tagging along (oh and I really didn't want to run with someone I just met, especially a man!) So I excused myself and headed out on my own. After over 2 hours of shivering, walking, an additional port-a-potty trip, a gear check, and stretching it was finally time for me to head over to the corral that I was assigned to. Yes, I did say corral, I felt somewhat like a cow waiting to be slaughtered, but tried not to think of it that way. :)
Since this was the Rock-n-Roll marathon they played several songs while everyone milled around. The song you are listening to (unless you paused it) is the song that started the marathon. Let me say it was an AWESOME way to start! Imagine 7,372 people lined up ready to run. The gun went off and we stood there. What were all of us waiting for you ask? Well for those in front of us to start running. The crowd felt like one huge organism moving forward together. All doing the same thing and acting, feeling the same way. We kept walking forward getting closer and closer to the starting line. Then those in front of us start to run, but we were all running before the starting line. Part of me didn't want to start running until I crossed the starting line, because that is where the marathon began, and the other part was soooo ready to start to run! Then I waved at Senator John McCann because he was there to say a few words before the race. (Yes, just a few feet away from him, he smiled down at me and waved back at me...) I wanted to yell out, "Sorry you didn't win! You were the one I was hoping for, since write-ins don't usually win." But I restrained myself, and finally came up to the starting line.
...I started my i-pod and watch while crossing the line and headed down the street, only 26.2 miles to go. I have to say running in a marathon on a cold morning has its additional hazards, forget the possible falls, hurt feet, blisters, sore legs, and dehydration. I had to keep checking my feet to make sure that they didn't get tangled up in all the discarded clothing. Gloves, jackets, sweaters, pants, you name it were all lining the road waiting for Goodwill to make their rounds. What a lovely run! Lovely cloudy day! (I am being serious.) Crowds lined the streets cheering us on. People with signs, one..."Toe nails are overrated," another,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,"another "You have done worse thing for a long amount of time," another, "Beer that way ->," and many signs made to cheer on those who dared to make the journey. Besides the signs in the spectators I even saw several signs on runners backs, "Text me, at ..." (I guess that bald youngish guy was desperate and looking for a date), another..."If you find me drag me over the finish line." Oh then there were the sad t-shirts of people running in memory of comrades lost in war, or mom's who have died. Then there were others from different organizations running for pledges, and then there was me. A mom, running to prove that it could be done. And I did it! My family was there through out the race. So wonderful to see them! It was the first time for my wonderful husband to see me run and the first for my kids as well. My official time was 4:30:07. And by God's grace, I didn't fall, or break or tear anything. I kept running. I did walk a few minutes after mile 21, but I ran over the finish line. I DID IT!!!!!! And next time.....Next time...I will go FASTER!!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A New Day
A week ago today should have been the beginning of our Spring Semester...but we skipped school and headed for the big city. There was shopping to be done and In-N-Out was calling us. What a lovely day! Tucson, was the location of the big city adventure, and the weather was gorgeous! I don't know what I was thinking when I forced my kids to put on long sleeve shirts and proceeded for the 77 degree desert weather. Now mind you it is a bit warmer than were we are in the mountains (by maybe 10 degrees). Anyhow, now I wish it was last week. Ah, to have another carefree day. But today will be good none the less! We have our homeschool park day. Lets see if I can get the kids out of the house by 12:15. How do moms do it that send their kids to school? I have no idea. It doesn't matter what time we start we always seem to be running a little behind. Well it could be that I try to make sure that if someone breaks into the house while we are gone they will be greeted by a nice clean place. Yes, they will be thankful that they didn't break into some dirty place. For all those who have the same problem group therapy sessions meet every Wednesday at 1pm ;)...actually we meet at 1:30, but allow for some last minute cleaning time.
Well dear reader, I am now less than a week away from my marathon. Imagine that a marathon. I haven't been worried one bit until it really hit me on Saturday, now the freaking out has begun! Questions like, what should I wear, should I do a salt shot while running (pour one of those little salt packets you get from Sonic down your throat), do I wear pants, or go for shorts? What if my Nike + ipod stops working while I am running? Will I see my family? All these questions and more have been running through my head. Then today I go out to run and what do I do? I fall. Yep, I slid across the pavement cutting my hand, knee, pants, flashlight, and my pride. The whole time I could hear my wonderful husband saying that I don't need to do anything different, I don't want an injury before the big run. I didn't do anything differently (like run harder, or increase my time), I actually cut down my run by 1 mile, which is really my normal mileage until a few weeks ago when I upped it. The funny thing was, even with my fall, I still did really good on my time. Once home I took some Ibuprofen to make sure I wouldn't be too sore. Anyhow, so in just a matter of days and I will be running my first marathon...AHHHHHH!
You know what one of the best things are in the world? A little one sitting in your lap! My youngest, "thing 3," just came out. What a joy this little girl is, and twice the trouble as her brothers! A few moments ago I woke up eldest son, "thing 1," so he could take out the trash. He was just so happy to obliged. I had to remind this teen of mine that he did stay up later than we asked, and it was almost 8:30 am and time for school. Oh he just is so happy, he'll be fine right? My middle son, "thing 2," is still curled up in bed, probably next to one of our furry feline family members. What blessings I have, sweet challenging blessings! Well I guess it is time to go teach my little ones that God has entrusted to me. To you, I pray your day is blessed, and filled with His joy!

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