Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On the Road Again

Yes, it is that time of month again where we take a trip up the road to Tucson. My grandmother wants to welcome My Wonderful Husband back from war. So we are going to go and see her. In the middle of the week you ask? Yes, My Wonderful Husband took the day off since our weekends are packed now.

We aren't just going to see her, we have a list of places to go and visit. BUT we are going to go to her swanky neighborhood and eat at the club. BUT I AM GOING TO WEAR JEANS. Yes, I am a rebel. It is pretty funny one time I wore jeans and my grandmother looked at me and said, "well I guess we can't eat in the dining room since you are wearing jeans. We will have to eat in the grill." To tell you the truth, we all love the grill much better. The atmosphere is so much more relaxed. AND I don't have to keep reminding our kids what fork to use.

When I was a kid my grandmother bought me a book, and the name of this wonderful book? Well it was, "Tiffany's table manners for teenagers." It was from Tiffany & Co... I believe. Yes, and another time I received a Shakespeare date book. The reasoning behind it was so I could put in all the birthdays throughout the year and not forget them. Oh and another favorite gift, thank you notes and stamps.

Let me explain one thing, if you ever give me a gift and I don't sent a thank you note. It is NOT because I am not thankful. It is because I am still going through therapy for all the guilt trips I received as a kid for NOT sending thank you notes. I love to get them, I HATE, I mean HATE!!!!!!! to send them!!!!!!! It is against my religion.

Have a wonderful day! And I will eat some In-N-Out for you! Animal Style.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Well yes, it has been a LONG time since I have blogged! Oh my goodness so much has happened. The one MAJOR thing that has happened is MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND IS BACK HOME!!!!!! So yes, he is back and things are back to normal. Or as normal as things are going to get around our home.

which I have to say is normally insane!

Anyhow, so once he got back we had a big party to welcome him home. Two weekends later we had a birthday party for Thing 2, then started schooling a week after that. Then we went camping two weeks after that. And how could I forget to mention the football practices that started right when my better half came home? Oh then throw in the other two and their soccer practice, youth and now all of our Saturdays are taken up with games.

You know we did this last year too, and we cursed ourselves for it back then. BUT, did we learn our lesson? Apparently not, we are right back into the thick of things again.
On Friday night, Thing 1 and Thing 3 had their opening ceremony for soccer and I received a text from a friend that was attending with her son. It said, "I know who your favorite is." I text her back and reassured her that my favorite was my husband, and that since we aren't into polygamy there are only two of us. One of us was with the youngest at the soccer field and the other was at the football field with the middle. Our eldest was on his own for a bit (even though my wonderful husband was only a few hundred feet away with the youngest). The friend having a child the same age as the oldest only saw a our child there without caring parents.
These are the times when I think maybe those who have a third parent do indeed have the right idea. Then I remember that I don't share well and would have to probably take out the third person. So I guess we will just avoid all that and just stick with two parents. It's less messy.