Today marks 16 years of marriage to my wonderful husband. What amazing and fun filled years we have had so far. They have flown by so quickly...makes me think of the old beginning of the soap my great-grandmother used to watch. "Like grains of sand in an hour glass, these are the days of our lives." Well, I can't lie our life together has been filled with a little bit of drama over the years...BUT you know I wouldn't trade our worst day together for the best day without my wonderful husband. He knows me, he knows how to make me laugh, and when to make me laugh. Unless you count the time when I was in labor with our first. He was trying to get me not to think of the contractions so in that failed attempt he said, "The doc is going to come in and say you are dilated to only 2." And when the doc did, I think the look I gave him was one that could have killed (I had been in labor for several hours, hooked up to pitosin, no epidural...yet). That same day he was watching the contract-o-meter and trying to encourage me by stating, "Wow, that one must of really hurt." Okay, I am laughing now, it is pretty funny looking back on it.
When we married, we were pretty young. You know I wouldn't change a thing. I would marry him over and over again. I guess I have done that already, we have renewed our vows twice since then. Once soon after we had eloped. We were having a formal wedding, and the officiant asked aloud everyone if knew we were already married. Several of us joked that if they didn't they "do now." Yes, everyone did know. We had planned on keeping it a secret from my family. But once married I was so proud to be married to him that I couldn't keep it a secret. I felt like yelling it from the roof tops. I am sure I did something similar, maybe it was more yelling it out my window of my little Toyota I had back then. Since I was young and in college and that was the thing to do.
Well dear wonderful sweet husband of mine, I love you MORE!!!!!! Thank you for each day! Even though we are a 'few' miles apart, it feels like you are here with me. Thanks for 16 years, heres to many more!!!!!!!
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
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