Thursday, June 10, 2010


I went to a housing meeting last night with my kids. It was a meeting to discuss the destruction of our home. Yes, I am still in the middle of that. No, it isn't over yet. Yes, I am still in the same house, I haven't moved yet. At times during the meeting voices escalated, and people were a little miffed. BUT I knew going in that NOTHING was going to change. Why not? Well because, this is the military, and that is the way things are. I did say a few words myself, and I pray that I came across as kind and not someone who should be flying around on a broom stick (though I do feel like that so much as of late, or maybe it has been the last few years...anyway I digress). For the last 12 hours, when I have been awake, I have been mulling over what was said. And at the end of the meeting I was talking to another wife, and she called me a hermit. Seriously, me a hermit? Well she isn't of the homeschooling weirdness, so she doesn't know what a homeschool mom goes through. Schooling her kids, then when done comes the housework, then it is dinner time, then bedtime. She also lives down the street so she doesn't see me come and go with my kids to other places, park day, friends homes, hiking, field trips, the store, church, youth, and sports. Am I really a hermit?

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Good morning dear reader. I am so sorry the days just seem to fly by, and life is just so crazy. I know that you really want to hear all about me and mine, that your day just wouldn't be the same if you didn't hear what was happening in our neck of the woods. Okay, you can quit laughing seriously, you can really. Sorry, trying to create a smile on your face in this crazy world we live in, on this crazy day in June. JUNE, can you believe it? It is June already! Anyway...

Well I have been reset. FINALLY! I had been in a funk for several weeks and just had the hardest time getting out of it. I sat and chatted with a dear friend for several hours on Tuesday and life just seemed to fall back into place. The birds sang again, the sky was blue, and the Cold Stone ice cream we were eating turned into creamy goodness. What had happened you asked, just life happened. I could bring it all up but that would just take up too much time. Why should I bore you and take up more of your time. You just need to go eat some Cold Stone and feel that lovely sugar rush you get when you partake of Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate chip (or my favorite All Lovin' No Oven) in a beautifully chocolate dipped bowl with sprinkles. Oh I just love those waffle bowls! Oh, curse the person who ever first came up with them. And curse the person who decided to dip it into chocolate and then add sprinkles. It just makes me feel like a kid again, picking out my favorite chocolate glazed donut with the colorful sprinkles on top. Maybe I should really be cursing the person who first made ice cream, or should I go all the way back and curse the donut maker? :) Or run up to them and love on them all for bringing such goodness to our lives and our thighs. See what I mean, my life is just nuts. I guess I do it to myself. Not the military, or family, or people with that say mean comments or have mean actions, or the person that just about ran over me while I was it is just me. It is my attitude toward them and my life. SO if you are feeling grim and need to be reset, call a good friend and meet them for your favorite ice cream or maybe, just maybe your thing is sushi.