Thursday, June 10, 2010


I went to a housing meeting last night with my kids. It was a meeting to discuss the destruction of our home. Yes, I am still in the middle of that. No, it isn't over yet. Yes, I am still in the same house, I haven't moved yet. At times during the meeting voices escalated, and people were a little miffed. BUT I knew going in that NOTHING was going to change. Why not? Well because, this is the military, and that is the way things are. I did say a few words myself, and I pray that I came across as kind and not someone who should be flying around on a broom stick (though I do feel like that so much as of late, or maybe it has been the last few years...anyway I digress). For the last 12 hours, when I have been awake, I have been mulling over what was said. And at the end of the meeting I was talking to another wife, and she called me a hermit. Seriously, me a hermit? Well she isn't of the homeschooling weirdness, so she doesn't know what a homeschool mom goes through. Schooling her kids, then when done comes the housework, then it is dinner time, then bedtime. She also lives down the street so she doesn't see me come and go with my kids to other places, park day, friends homes, hiking, field trips, the store, church, youth, and sports. Am I really a hermit?


  1. I could never think of you as a hermit, you are so outgoing. I would sometimes gladly become one! I enjoy being at home and, to me, this just shows that you enjoy your home too. (And I'm not the one who took my kids hiking no too long ago!)

  2. Thanks Tammy! Yes, I do enjoy staying home. But with MWH gone I get out more so we all don't go stir crazy! I bet you do the same. :)

  3. You are not a hermit unless you are living a radically different life out there than you did here.

  4. I'm sure you'll win her over to your hermit ways ;)
